The Fox animated series “American Dad!” came back to BAM to record with voice talent Hernan Sanchez! “American Dad!” is a thirty-minute animated TV series created by Seth McFarlane about the life of a rugged CIA operative and his quirky family. BAM has done many amazing sessions with the team at “American Dad!” in the past few months, and this most recent one was no exception. Hernan stopped by the studio to record dialogue for two new characters that will appear on an upcoming episode of the series, in a session engineered by Dave Leffel. Hernan Sanchez is best known for his voiceover work on the “Mortal Kombat” video games and films…namely, he is responsible for the famous phrase “Finish Him!” Incidentally, Mr. Sanchez is also a character designer and graphic artist for the games. “American Dad!” airs on Fox on Sundays at 7:30/6:30c and 9:30/8:30c.
To learn more about Hernan Sanchez, click here:
To learn more about “American Dad!”, click here:
Pictured (Left to Right): Hernan Sanchez, Philip von During