It’s been a busy few weeks at BAM Studios, with actors coming to record ADR for several pilots, including two upcoming ABC pilots, “Doubt” and “Betrayal”. Actors Neal Grofman and Vincent Teninty came in to record for “Doubt”. The pilot is set in Chicago and will be directed by The West Wing’s Thomas Schlamme. The Sony TV production follows a lawyer who once worked as a cop and now uses his skills to help clients beat the system that’s bringing them down. The actors were recorded by BAM’s Brian Reed and Matt Sauro. Actors Agneeta Thacker and Maxwell Jenkins came in to record for “Betrayal”. The series stars James Cromwell, who has recorded at BAM before for “Do No Harm”, and follows Sara, an unhappily married photographer who begins a torrid affair with Jack, a lawyer for a powerful family that is head by Cromwell’s character, Terence Karsten. BAM’s Brian Reed and Philip von During recorded the actors for their roles on the Chicago-set pilot.
For more information on “Betrayal”, go to: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2751074/
Information on “Doubt” TBD