BAM recently had an exciting session with rapper, musician, and actor Big Daddy Kane! Kane, who is generally considered to be one of the most prolific and skilled MCs in hip hop, began his career as a member of the rap group the Juice Crew. He went on to produce two gold records and leave an indelible mark on the history of rap music. The artist, who was in Chicago as a stop on his current tour, came to BAM to record an interview with BBC Documentaries for an upcoming project focused on the life of boxer Muhammad Ali. Kane spoke to interviewers at length about Ali, who heavily influenced both the rapper’s music and the way that he lives his life. The interview took place during a special weekend session that was engineered by Brian Reed.
To read more about Big Daddy Kane, click here: http://www.officialbigdaddykane.com/
To read more about BBC Documentaries, click here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/docarchive