One of Apple’s newest products, the Magic Trackpad, has been heralded as the coolest gadgets in the input device world. BAM’s owner, Brian Reed, grabbed a hold of the device at it’s release and created custom settings so that their Digidesign ProTools audio workstations could use the trackpad as surround sound panners. Even though BAM’s audio suites have been using the typical joysticks for surround, Brian thought this device could be even better. “You simply imagine the trackpad as a surround field, Left Front, Center, Right Front, Rear etc… and click on an area and your sound will go there, it’s quite simple and elegant!” The touch sensitive trackpad allows you to automate everything you do and connects via wireless Bluetooth technology, so there’s no cables hovering around the mixing console. All three of BAM’s audio suites have integrated the trackpad.
For more information on the Magic Trackpad, visit: http://www.apple.com/magictrackpad/