We were pleased to connect with the team from VEEP again for a recent ADR session with actor Dave Pasquesi! In a session engineered by Dave Leffel, Pasquesi came in to record dialogue for his character Andrew Meyer, Selina’s thorn-in-the-side ex-husband. This session featured a once-in-a-lifetime three-way connection between the onamonapias of BAM, POP in Los Angeles, and Boom Studios in London! The three-way was initiated in order to let VEEP star Julia Louis-Dreyfus patch into the session to do live improvisation with Pasquesi, whom she has worked with extensively in the past during their time at Second City Chicago. More than one BAM’s engineers is quoted as saying that it was one of the funniest sessions they’ve ever heard! Dave Pasquesi is best known for his roles in TV shows «The Mob Doctor,» «Boss,» and «Strangers with Candy,» his film roles in «Groundhog Day» and «Angels and Demons,» as well as his voiceover and improv comedy work. Season Three of VEEP premieres on HBO on April 6th, at 9:30PM CST.
To read more about VEEP, click here: http://www.hbo.com/veep#/
To read more about Dave Pasquesi, click here: http://www.davidpasquesi.com/#/david
Check out more of BAM’s ADR clients here: http://bamstudio.wpengine.com/clients/#adr