172 resultados para sound mix

  • Congratulations Kasama on your James Beard Award nomination!

    Congratulations to our friends at Kasama, Chicago for being nominated for a James Beard Award for Best New Restaurant of…

  • «I’m fine, (Not) Really» Film Premieres May 1st!

    Darryl Roberts groundbreaking new film «I’m fine, (Not) Really» film premieres this Sunday night! The documentary is a conversation with…

  • BAM welcomes Audio Engineer Michael DeAngelis to the Team!

    BAM Studios adds Chicago veteran Audio Post-Production Engineer Michael DeAngelis to its sound team!  DeAngelis has been an integral part…

  • BAM gets Cozy for Meijer Campaigns

    BAM has long time partnered with our friends at Blue Chip Marketing. Most recently we worked on a Meijer radio…

  • BAM brings Pure Beach Vibes to Corona USA Beer Campaigns

    BAM has been quite busy the past few months creating «pure beach vibes» with our friends at Cramer Krasselt and…

  • BAM Studios Is Open

      Simply put, we’re here for you and we’re open! We can’t wait to see everyone safely back in the…

  • BAM Opens New Podcast Division

    BAM Studios announces a new Podcast division. Podcasting (a portmanteau of the words iPod and Broadcasting) has swept the world,…

  • BAM Looks Back on Epic «Coors Light» Commercial Spot

    Throwback Thursday to when BAM’s David Leffel sound designed and mixed this epic TV spot for Coors Light in collaboration…

  • BAM Anchors onto Pacifico Beer's New Campaign!

    BAM Anchors onto Pacifico Beer’s New Campaign!

       BAM had the opportunity to partner up with Cramer-Krasselt for their new campaign, ‘Live Life Anchors Up’ for the…

  • BAM reveals past work on Spanish Commercials!

    BAM reveals past work on Spanish Commercials!

      BAM has immersed into a cultural revolution by working on commercials for banks in Switzerland, Disneyland Paris, and more…