The Onion Labs team is back at BAM with several new hilarious spots for Speed Stick! BAM’s Philip von During worked with the team to edit, mix and sound design the comedic campaign for the popular deodorant brand. During said, «it was refreshing to work with The Onion Labs team again. It’s always a good highlight to the work week to work on a funny project with a great group of people.»
The spots star John C. McGinley («Scrubs») as Coach Speedman. The Coach, also known as The Master Motivator, doles out questionable life advice using football plays.
Check out a couple of our favorite spots from the Speed Stick campaign!
Want to see more of Coach Speedman? Click here to see all the spots!: http://www.speedstick.com/coach-speedman
Check out the last spots we did with Onion Labs here: http://www.bamstudios.com/onion-labs-brings-laughs-bam/
Click here to see more spots that BAM has worked on!: http://www.bamstudios.com/work/