Publicaciones etiquetadas con ‘Narration’

  • The Mash-Up Americans team records at BAM!

      We’re excited to have been the recording hub for the impactful documentary podcast series, “To See Each Other,” brought…

  • BAMda’s audio tips!

      🚫 Don’t smooch the mic! 😘🎤 BAMda is showing what NOT to do. 🚫 Proper mic placement is crucial for…

  • Author Michael Young records «To Cure Or Kill» audiobook at BAM!

      Exciting news, book lovers! 📚🎧 Author Michael Young has just wrapped up production for his thrilling audiobook, «To Cure…

  • Raych Jackson records Wondery podcast at BAM!

    Writer, educator and performer Raych Jackson was at BAM yesterday voice recording for an upcoming Wondery podcast episode. Jackson also…

  • Elizabeth Debicki

    Elizabeth Debicki records narration for Valerian!

    BAM explores new worlds while recording Elizabeth Debicki for Valerian!     The stunning actress Elizabeth Debicki has starred in…