375 results for VO

  • BAM welcomes Audio Engineer Michael DeAngelis to the Team!

    BAM Studios adds Chicago veteran Audio Post-Production Engineer Michael DeAngelis to its sound team!  DeAngelis has been an integral part…

  • Pixar’s “Turning Red” starts streaming today!

      Pixar’s new animated movie “Turning Red” is streaming today!  BAM recorded the character Miriam voiced by the very talented…

  • BAM Holiday Card 2020

    Happy Holidays from BAM Studios!

      Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday season & a joyful New Year! The BAM Team

  • BAM sound designs, mixes and masters Dilemma of Desire documentary

    From the beginning of times, women have always had to go to the extra lengths to be heard. From voting…

  • BAM gets Cozy for Meijer Campaigns

    BAM has long time partnered with our friends at Blue Chip Marketing. Most recently we worked on a Meijer radio…

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    COVID19 Policies and Procedures

  • BAM brings Pure Beach Vibes to Corona USA Beer Campaigns

    BAM has been quite busy the past few months creating “pure beach vibes” with our friends at Cramer Krasselt and…

  • BAM Mixes and Sound Designs for Jewel Locally Grown Series

    BAM has enjoyed teaming up with Studio 1847 to sound design and mix for their client Jewel Osco: Locally Grown…

  • A Message from the BAM Team about Delivering Serious Sound

    BAM Studios is all about Serious Sound, no matter where we’re working.  We want to make sure we are continuing…

  • BAM Opens New Podcast Division

    BAM Studios announces a new Podcast division. Podcasting (a portmanteau of the words iPod and Broadcasting) has swept the world,…